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If you haven’t tried writing articles for Reviewstream, then I suggest that you can also give it a try. 
Go to, and sign up for an account. Click on the "Write Review" button at the bottom of the screen. On the left side of the new screen is a box for "desired penname." This is the name your reviews will be associated with. Enter a name, and click on "check" to see if it's available. 

Enter your penname again, and enter your email address. If you want to get paid, your email address must be the one associated with your PayPal account. 

Enter a review title and category. The title should be as specific as possible, and you don't have to worry about including keywords. If you're undecided between two categories, choose the one that you think would drive more traffic to your review. 

If you're reviewing a place (hotel, shop, etc.), enter its address. 

Write your review. For the best chance at getting the $2.00 rate, choose something to review that hasn't been reviewed before, is a product people will likely search for on Google, and is in what you think is a popular category. 

Rate the item you're reviewing. The rating is on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best. 

Decide if you want to be paid the "bulk" rate. The "bulk" rate is the 40-cent rate, which is always one-fifth of the "review rate." If it's OK to be paid $0.40, check the box. If you'll only sell your review for $2.00, then uncheck the box. If you say you're OK with being paid $0.40, your review won't be judged worse than it really is (in my experience), but if you're worried about it, you can always submit it first for the $2.00 rate only, and then if rejected, submit it again for the 40-cent rate. 

Click "Submit." You'll either get a message saying your review was successfully submitted, a message saying something bad happened and you need to click the "back" button and resubmit again, or a message saying your review is "not valuable." In the last case, this means your review was less than 250 words and needs to be longer.

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Hi, I'm Igbokwe Nkemakonam and you can contact me through my mail